
 CGI Los Angeles Newsletter


April 6---Gary W.---Pot Luck

April 20---Speaker: Mike J.---Snacks: Mike J.

April 21---Passover/Lord’s Supper---7-9PM

April 23---First Day of Unleavened Bread---To Be Determined (TBD)

April 29---Last Day of Unleavened Bread---TBD

May 4---Speaker: Arnie F.---Snacks: Faye and Gary W.

May 18---Bible Study---Nature of God---Pot Luck

June 1---Speaker: Tom C.---Snacks: George M.

June 15---Speaker: Mike J.---Snacks: Tom C.---Food pick up day.

June 16---Pentecost---TBD

Prayer List

John Rosile (fatigue); Debbie (sickness); Herb Haupt (cancer); Jack Kalogeris (prostate and heart); William Garnet (childhood leukemia recovery); Tally (brain tumor/substance abuse); Michael Silverstein (cancer); Alisha (bereavement); Sandra Walker-Mills (health); Anita Martinez (undisclosed).  

Zurie Bentien (cancer); Judy M. (healing from surgery; need of a job); Kathy Osborne (stroke); Kris Feock (Pancreatitis); Sharon Mills (COPD); Joel (health/friend of Patricia); Elaine James (eyes); Bertha Carrothers (health); Faye Wannlund (knee); Gary Mazzei (health); Rachel Radach (vascular headaches); Nathan Halprin (back).

Spike (Friend of Tom Carrozzo.-heart); Jerry stroke (Dad of Tom's student); Marjorie T. (sciatica); Loretta (Petra's daughter recovery); Robert Teitgen (prison); Sharon Hamrick (cancer); Adrian Taylor (health); Tom Carrozzo (lymphoma).


Meeting Time and Location

85 East Holly Street, Pasadena, CA 91103.   We will meet from 1:45PM-4:45PM unless otherwise indicated above.  Services begin at 2:00PM.  One block from our meeting address is a parking garage (150 Holly Street---Holly Street Garage) that we can use for five dollars. 

There is also a garage at 171 N Raymond Ave. near the Armory that may be $3 or less. 

There are also metered spots in the lot behind the Pasadena Senior Center and on the street outside the Center you can choose.  Let me know if this is a burden on you. 

Local Contacts    



Volunteer Activity

The fourth Sabbath of each quarter we will be collecting non-perishable food items for an organization that feeds the poor.  Please bring your items on April 20th this quarter. 

Church Account

National Donations can be sent to: Church of God International

                                                               3900 Timms Street

                                                           Tyler, TX 75701

Or send tithes and offerings via the website… (look for “Donate” link)

